Tuesday, April 1, 2008

lista de palabras

baseball = "béisbol"
a ball player = "un pelotero" or "un jugador"
a slugger = "un toletero"
the major leagues = "las ligas mayores" or "las mayores"
the big leagues = "las grandes ligas"

the pitching = "el pitcheo"
the batting = "el bateo"

the battery = "la batería"
the pitcher = "el lanzador" or "el pítcher" or "el serpentinero"
....left-handed = "zurdo"
....right-handed = "diestro" or "derecho"
the starter = "el iniciador"
the reliever = "el relevista"
the closer = "el cerrador" or "el taponero"
....the mound = "el montículo" or "la loma" or "la lomita"
....the rubber = "la goma"

the catcher = "el receptor" or "el cátcher"
....home plate = "el plato"

the infield = "el cuadro"
the base (bag) = "la base" or "la almohadilla"
....first base = "primera base" (pronounced bah-say)
........first baseman = "inicialista"
....second = "segunda"
........second baseman = "intermedista"
....third = "tercera"
........third baseman = "antesalista"
........shortstop = "campocorto"

the outfield = "el jardín" or "el bosque" or "el campo" or "el predio"
....left field = "___ izquierdo"
....center field = "___ central"
....right field = "___ derecho"

the batter = "el bateador"
....switch-hitter = "ambidiestro"
the batter's box = "el cajón del bateador"
the runner = "el corredor"

the umpire = "el árbitro"

the base line = "la línea de base"

the bat = "el bate"
the ball = "la pelota" or "la bola"
the glove = "el guante"
the helmet = "el casco"
the hat = "la gorra"
the chest protector = "el protector del pecho"
the mitt = "el troche"

he reached base = "se embasó"
he stole (a base) = "robó (una base)"
he hit (a single) = "bateó (sencillo)
....a double = "un doble"
....a ground rule double = "un doble por regla"
....a triple = "un triple"
he scored (a run) = "anotó (una carrera)"
....a homerun = "un jonrón" or "un cuadrangular"

a walk (free pass) = "una base por bolas" or "un boleto gratis"
....(intentional) walk = "base por bolas (intencional)"

a sac fly = " un elevado de sacrificio"
he sacrificed = "sacrificó"
....sacrifice bunt = "toque de sacrificio"

he struck out = "se ponchó"
....he struck out swinging = "se ponchó tirándole"
....he struck out looking = "se ponchó mirándo"
he lined out = "falló con línea"
he grounded out = "falló con rodado"
....double play = "doble matanza" or "jugada de doble out"
he grounded into a double play = "falló con rodado para doble play"
he hit a fly ball (for an out) = "falló con elevado"
he hit a fly ball (for an out) in foul territory = "falló con elevado de foul"
he popped up = "falló por un globo"

he was out (at second) = "fue out (en segunda)"
he was safe (on an error) = "llegó a salvo (por error)"

bases loaded = "bases llenas"
bases empty = "bases limpias"

a play = "una jugada" (What a play! = "¡Qué jugada!")
an error = "un error"
throwing error = "error de tiro"
fielder's choice = "jugada de selección"
he threw (to second) = "tiró (a segunda)"
he was caught stealing = "fue atrapado robando"

fair ball = "bola en territorio bueno" or "bola fair"
foul ball = "bola en territorio malo" or "bola foul"

safe = "cierto" or "safe"
out = "fuera" or "out"

the count = "la cuenta"
....1 = "uno", 2 = "dos", 3 = "tres"
pitcher's count = "cuenta al favor del lanzador"
hitter's count = "cuenta al favor del bateador"
full count = "cuenta llena"

the pitch = "el lanzamiento"
....high = "alto"
....low = "bajo"
....inside = "adentro"
....outside = "afuera"

strike = "strike" or "estráik"
ball = "bola" or "pelota"
foul = "foul"
bunt = "toque de bola"

a strike-out = "una ponche"
a walk = "una base por bolas"

he retired the side = "retiró al lado"

a hit = "un hit" or "un imparable"
a run = "una carrera"
run scored = "anotada"
run batted in (RBI) = "empujada"
he drove in (a run) = "remolcó (una carrera)" or "empujó (una carrera)"
batting average = "promedio"
earned run average = "promedio de efectividad"

scoring position = "posición de anotar"

streak = "racha"

the game = "el partido" or "el juego"
a win = "una victoria"
a loss = "una perdida" or "una derrota"

the inning = "la entrada"
top = "alta"
bottom = "baja"
....(1st = primera
....2nd = segunda
....3rd = tercera
....4th = cuarta"
....5th = quinta
....6th = sexta
....7th = séptima
....8th = octava
....9th = novena)