Tuesday, April 7, 2009

[HIRFA...] The Kansas City Royals

I'm starting a new series. You didn't know I had other series? Well, sure I do. There's pitching tuesday (very infrequently updated), the Mozeliak shoe-shopping series (remember how much fun that was? no?), and the IBRS (which is probably not as "I" for you as it is for me). And now there will be the "How I really feel about..." series. It won't be hard-hitting revelations or cutting-edge research about the other 29 teams in MLB, but it will be my slightly-adulterated and oft-abridged opinions about the rest of the baseball universe.


Now here's How I really feel about... The Kansas City Royals.

I thought it was appropriate to start with the team that shares a state with the Cardinals, even though they are all the way on the other side of said state.

The Royals (or Reales) are a pretty unassuming group of guys. There's no one whose name jumps out at you, and there's certainly no one who undertakes the "face of a franchise" role. That's not to say they don't have any talent. I even put a few Royals on my fantasy team. Mike Aviles, for one, brought his A-game to the WBC and caught my attention. They've got some decent outfielders, too, like Coco Crisp and José Guillén. Mark Teahen made some noise with his bat this Spring, and will probably get a lot of starts this year.

They finished 75-87 last year, in 4th place in the AL Central.